Timothy B. Shutt
Audio Books
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by Timothy B. Shutt
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In this lecture professor Timothy Shutt provides an overview of the life and literature of C.S. Lewis. He mentions various viewpoints that people have had about Lewis and says why he thinks Lewis is more popular now than he was in his time.
by Timothy B. Shutt
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C. S. Lewis produced a body of work as diverse as it is beloved. He is known the world over for his cherished Chronicles of Narnia, but he is also the author of novels for adults, scholarly work, and the writings that rival his Narnia series in terms of continued popularity: his eloquent defences of Christianity.
by Timothy B. Shutt
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The lectures address-in chronological sequence-a series of major works that have shaped the ongoing development of Western thought both in their own right and in cultural dialogue with other traditions.
by Timothy B. Shutt
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The lectures draw upon the resources of history, philosophy, literary study, art history, religious studies, political science, and the history of science and technology, in hopes of engaging the rich and profoundly interactive discussions that, over the course of forty centuries, have made Western culture what it is.
by Timothy B. Shutt
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By near universal agreement, Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy stands very high among the greatest literary works ever written. This may come as a surprise, because Dante is best known for the Inferno, the first cantica of the Commedia, which is, by any standard, fairly grim in some respects.
by Timothy B. Shutt
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Part three is a richly detailed look at St. Augustine, Beowulf, St. Thomas Aquinas, Authurian legends, Dante, Gothic art, and other highlights of the period.
by Timothy B. Shutt
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Baseball has been celebrated as "America's National Pastime" for more than one hundred and fifty years, and recalls what, at least in retrospect, seems to be an earlier, more innocent age- long summer afternoons and sandlot ball, fresh rural air or brownstone stoops.
by Timothy B. Shutt
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From the very outset in the West—from the time of Homer himself in about 750 BCE—the epic has been the most highly regarded of literary genres.
by Timothy B. Shutt
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Part four provides a close look at the period from the Renaissance to the Scientific Revolution and into the early Enlightenment.
by Timothy B. Shutt
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Our purpose in this course will be to examine the foundations of Western Civilization in antiquity. We will look at the culture of the ancient Hebrews, of the ancient Greeks, and of the Romans...
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