Tim Russert
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by Tim Russert
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Over the last two decades, Tim Russert has become one of the most trusted and admired figures in American television journalism....
by Tim Russert
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Tim Russert, host of NBC's Meet the Press, shares insights from his 20 years in broadcast journalism covering politics. NPR senior national correspondent Linda Wertheimer moderates the conversation.
by Tim Russert
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The acclaimed host of NBC's "Meet the Press" and author of "Big Russ and Me" offers a celebration of fathers, fatherhood, and the bond between parent and child.
by Tim Russert
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The acclaimed host of NBC's "Meet the Press" and author of "Big Russ and Me" offers a celebration of fathers, fatherhood, and the bond between parent and child.
by Tim Russert
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What does it really mean to be a good father? What did your father tell you that has stayed with you throughout your life? Was there a lesson from him, a story, or a moment that helped to make you who you are?
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