Tim Harford
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9 Titles
by Tim Harford
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Author of the extremely popular "Dear Economist" column in Financial Times, Tim Harford reveals the economics behind everyday phenomena in this highly entertaining and informative book.
by Tim Harford
Inventions, ideas and innovations which have helped create the economic world we live in. Presented by Tim Harford.
by Tim Harford
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A provocative and lively exploration of the increasingly important world of macroeconomics, by the author of the bestselling The Undercover Economist.
by Tim Harford
Tim Harford and the More or Less team try to make sense of the statistics which surround us. From BBC Radio 4.
by Tim Harford
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The Logic of Life presents an X-ray image of human life, stripping away the surface to show us a picture that is revealing, enthralling, and sometimes disturbing.
by Tim Harford
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In this groundbreaking work, Tim Harford shows us a new and inspiring approach to solving the most pressing problems in our lives....
by Tim Harford
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From "one of the great (greatest?) contemporary popular writers on economics" (Tyler Cowen) comes a smart, lively, and encouraging rethinking of how to use statistics.
by Tim Harford
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Tim Harford discusses his book "The Logic of Life" as part of the Authors@Google series.
by Tim Harford
We tell our children unsettling fairy tales to teach them valuable lessons, but these Cautionary Tales are for the education of the grown ups - and they are all true.
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