Thomas Frank
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by Thomas Frank
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In this lecture, Thomas Frank distills the central argument from his New York Times best seller, What's the Matter With Kansas?, which unravels the great political mystery of our day: why do so many Americans vote against their economic and social interests?
by Thomas Frank
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From the best-selling author of What's the Matter with Kansas, a scathing look at the standard-bearers of liberal politics - a book that asks: What's the matter with Democrats?
by Thomas Frank
Honest and uncensored - this is not your father’s boring finance show. This show brings much needed ACTIONABLE advice to a generation that hates being lectured about personal finance from the out-of-touch one percent.
by Thomas Frank
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Becoming a more effective learner and boosting your productivity will help you earn better grades - but it'll also cut down on your study time. This is a short, meaty audiobook that will guide you through 10 steps to achieving those goals:
by Thomas Frank
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From the best-selling author of What's the Matter with Kansas?, a wonderfully insightful and sardonic look at how the worst economy since the 1930s has brought about the revival of conservatism....
by Thomas Frank
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The New York Times bestseller, praised as "hilariously funny . . . the only way to understand why so many Americans have decided to vote against their own economic and political interests" (Molly Ivins).
by Thomas Frank
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From the acclaimed author of Listen, Liberal and What's the Matter with Kansas, a scathing collection of his incisive commentary on our cruel times - perfect for this political moment.
by Thomas Frank
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In his previous book, Thomas Frank explained why working America votes for politicians who reserve their favors for the rich. Now, in The Wrecking Crew, Frank examines the Washington those politicians have given us, showing why, no matter what happens in November 2008, we're stuck with it for the foreseeable future.
by Thomas Frank
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From the prophetic author of the now-classic What's the Matter with Kansas? and Listen, Liberal, an eye-opening account of populism, the most important - and misunderstood - movement of our time.
by Thomas Frank
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It is a widespread belief among liberals that if only Democrats can continue to dominate national elections, if only those awful Republicans are beaten into submission, the country will be on the right course.
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