Steve Jobs Interviews & Speeches on Video
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by Steve Jobs
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This one will get you fired up. Steve Jobs delivered this commencement address at Stanford University and it's one of the more inspiring commencement addresses we've ever had a chance to hear.
by Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs, one of the computer industry's foremost entrepreneurs, gives a wide-ranging talk to a group of MIT Sloan School of Management students in the spring of 1992.
by Steve Jobs
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Capturing a key moment in history, this interview with Steve Jobs and John Lassetter catches both visionaries at the birth of what would become the most successful animation studio in recent history.
by Steve Jobs
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This interview caught Steve Jobs at an interesting point in his career in 1996, one year before he would return as CEO of Apple. After co-founding Apple with Steve Wozniak in the 1970s, he was pushed out of Apple in 1985.
by Steve Jobs
The Apple Keynotes podcast offers video of the company's most important announcements, including Apple CEO Steve Job's annual keynotes from Macworld.
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