
Stephen Smith Audio Books

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by Stephen Smith
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This hour-long audio documentary from American RadioWorks is an excellent introduction to great African American speakers of the last century.

by Stephen Smith
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Online Audio (Free)

In this streaming audio presentation from American Radio Works, listeners can hear a chronological history of the Korean War. Soldiers, historians and military leaders explain how this "forgotten war" was an essential event that defined global politics for the next 40 years.

by Stephen Smith
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Online Audio (Free)

In 1967, Thurgood Marshall became the first African American appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court....

by Stephen Smith
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Online Audio (Free)

In 1999, Serb death squads attacked the ethnic Albanian village of Cuska and left 41 unarmed civilians dead....

by Stephen Smith
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For much of the 20th century, African-Americans endured a legal system in the American South that was calculated to segregate and humiliate them....

by Stephen Smith
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During the World War II years, a series of groundbreaking radio programs tried to mend the deep racial and ethnic divisions that threatened America....

by Stephen Smith
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The United States inspires deep and conflicting emotions in other parts of the world....

by Stephen Smith
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From the trials of Nazis at Nuremberg to the prosecution of war criminals in the former Yugoslavia, to people's courts in Rwanda....

by Stephen Smith
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Online Audio (Free)

Is it fair to the child to be born into a family where one or both parents has a serious illness?

by Stephen Smith
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Why are so many mentally ill Americans behind bars....

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