Stephen Mansfield
Audio Books
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by Stephen Mansfield
Brought to you by The Mansfield Group and Chartwell Literary Group.
by Stephen Mansfield
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His name is carved in granite, his likeness cast in bronze, his legend as large as the role he played as America's first president.
by Stephen Mansfield
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Witty, compelling, and shrewd, Mansfield's Book of Manly Men is about resurrecting your inborn, timeless, essential, masculine self.
by Stephen Mansfield
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The history of Guinness, one of the world's most famous brands, reveals the noble heights and generosity of a great family and an innovative business.
by Stephen Mansfield
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Kurdistan is what America wanted Iraq to be. It's America's reward.
by Stephen Mansfield
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The execution of Jesus was a crime born of the streets, the barracks, the enclaves of the privileged, and the smoke-filled back rooms of religious and political power brokers.
by Stephen Mansfield
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Very few people are on the fence about Tom DeLay, who was nicknamed "the Hammer" for his hard-charging, take-no-prisoners style of leadership.
by Stephen Mansfield
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Mormonism has now emerged as not only the fastest-growing religion, but as a high-impact mainstream cultural influence....
by Stephen Mansfield
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Men are in crisis. From every direction, they are presented with a deformed masculinity.
by Stephen Mansfield
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As the world grew to know Sarah Palin, people began to see the force behind her: a deep, lifelong Christian faith that is the lens through which she views the world, the bedrock of her politics, and even a primary influence upon her personality.
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