
Stephen LaBerge Audio Books

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1 - 5 of 5 Titles
by Stephen LaBerge
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Lucid Dreaming - conscious awareness during the dream state - is an exhilarating experience. Because the world you are experiencing is one of your own creation, you can do the impossible and consciously influence the outcome of your dreams.

by Stephen LaBerge
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Audio CD

What if right now, reading these words, you suddenly realized that you were actually dreaming—and that in this domain you could do anything imaginable?

by Stephen LaBerge
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Audio Download | Audio Cassette

Explore the last frontier, your inner space! Lucid dreaming - the ability to be "awake" when you dream - is a breakthrough that has been hailed as the first major...

by Stephen LaBerge
Available on:
Audio Download

Lucid dreaming: it's when you suddenly realize that you are dreaming... and then sustain that wide-awake clarity while in a dream state. For millenia...

by Stephen LaBerge
Available on:
Audio Cassette

Four classic programs, previously available under their separate titles--Life After Life, Controlling Your Dreams, Journeys Out of the Body, and Out of Body Adventures...

1 - 5 of 5 Titles