Stephen Dubner Freakonomics Podcasts & Audio Books
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by Stephen J. Dubner
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Levitt and co-author Stephen J. Dubner show that economics is, at root, the study of incentives; how people get what they want or need especially when other people want or need the same thing.
by Stephen J. Dubner
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With their trademark blend of captivating storytelling and unconventional analysis, Levitt and Dubner take us inside their thought process and teach us all to think a bit more productively, more creatively, more rationally—to think, that is, like a Freak.
by Stephen J. Dubner
Listen to a variety of economic experts take on the challenging topics of our time with the Freakonomics Radio Podcast hosted by Stephen J. Dubner, co-author of the bestselling book Freakonomics.
by Stephen J. Dubner
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The New York Times best-selling Freakonomics was a worldwide sensation, selling more than four million copies in 35 languages and changing the way we look at the world.
by Stephen J. Dubner
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This newly revised edition of the "New York Times" bestseller offers a view of how the world really works, from two of today's most original thinkers.
by Stephen J. Dubner
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In this talk economist Steve Levitt & journalist Stephen Dubner discuss their follow up book to Freakonomics called SuperFreakonomics. Levitt & Dubner describe how they met and ultimately came to write Freakonomics.
by Stephen J. Dubner
Journalism wrapped in a game-show package. Host Stephen J. Dubner (of “Freakonomics Radio”) and three celebrity panelists invite contestants on stage to tell us something we don’t know.
by Stephen J. Dubner
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Online Video (Free)
The books 'Freakonomics' and 'SuperFreakonomics' have been worldwide sensations, selling tens of millions of copies. They have come to stand for challenging conventional wisdom using data rather than emotion.
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