
Stephen Batchelor Audio Books

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1 - 8 of 8 Titles
by Stephen Batchelor
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Demystifing the tenets of Buddhism, this introduction to the Buddhist religion explains, without jargon or obscure terminology....

by Stephen Batchelor
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Before it was a religion, a culture, or even a system of meditation, what was Buddhism?

by Stephen Batchelor
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Stephen Batchelor's seminal work on humanity's struggle between good and evil.

by Stephen Batchelor
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Confession of a Buddhist Atheist is Stephen Batchelor's account of his journey through Buddhism, which culminates in a groundbreaking new portrait of the historical Buddha.....

by Stephen Batchelor
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Does Buddhism require faith? Can an atheist or agnostic follow the Buddha's teachings without believing in reincarnation or organized religion?

by Stephen Batchelor
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Some 25 centuries after the Buddha started teaching, his message continues to inspire people across the globe, including those living in predominantly secular societies.

by Stephen Batchelor
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The understanding of the nature of reality is the insight upon which the Buddha was able to achieve his own enlightenment. This vision of the sublime is the source of all that is enigmatic and paradoxical about Buddhism....

by Stephen Batchelor
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An essential collection of Stephen Batchelor's most probing and important work on secular Buddhism As the practice of mindfulness permeates mainstream western culture, more and more people are engaging in a traditional form of Buddhist meditation.

1 - 8 of 8 Titles