
Sir Francis Bacon Audio Books

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by Sir Francis Bacon
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A creation of a new logic which the author considers superior to the old forms of logic and syllogism. A response to Aristotle's work "Organon", which was his treatise on logic and syllogism.

by Sir Francis Bacon
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Bacon's "The Essays" are–if they are nothing else–a delightful collection in decided disarray. That is, they seem to take no true progression. But an essay is not meant to be a treatise.

by Sir Francis Bacon
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Sir Francis Bacon's The New Atlantis is a utopian novel about a mythical land called Bensalem, where the inhabitants live happily with the sciences.

by Sir Francis Bacon
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The Novum Organum is a philosophical work by Francis Bacon published in 1620. The title translates as "new instrument".

by Sir Francis Bacon
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Francis Bacon, the great English philosopher, lawyer, scientist, and statesman, is also remembered as a formidable writer of prose.

by Sir Francis Bacon
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In 1623, Francis Bacon expressed his aspirations and ideas in New Atlantis. Released in 1627, this was his creation of an ideal land where people were kind, knowledgeable, and civic-minded.

by Sir Francis Bacon
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Now I suppose most people will think I am but entertaining myself with a toy, and using much the same kind of licence in expounding the poets’ fables which the poets themselves did in inventing them…

by Sir Francis Bacon
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Sir Francis Bacon, sometimes known as the father of empiricism, was one of the major political figures of his day, his career culminating as Lord Chancellor under King James I in 1617.

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