Sharon Jordan-Evans
Audio Books
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by Sharon Jordan-Evans
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This sixth edition of the number-one best-selling employee retention book in the world (over 800,000 copies sold) puts a new emphasis on diversity and inclusion, but keeps the same appealing format: 26 simple strategies, from A to Z.
by Sharon Jordan-Evans
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This "Wall Street Journal" bestseller outlines the factors that employees say are most important to them--meaningful work, opportunities for growth, good bosses, and a sense of group cohesion…
by Sharon Jordan-Evans
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Good employees are hard to find, and they can be easy to lose. But there's a simple tool every manager can use to ensure that star performers and solid contributors alike will feel energized, engaged, and excited - and that they will give you fair warning if they're unhappy.
by Sharon Jordan-Evans
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Love It, Don't Leave It encourages employees to assume responsibility for the way their work lives work....
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