Sean M. Carroll
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by Sean M. Carroll
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Already internationally acclaimed for his elegant, lucid writing on the most challenging notions in modern physics, Sean Carroll is emerging as one of the greatest humanist thinkers of his generation…
by Sean M. Carroll
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As you listen to these words, copies of you are being created. Sean Carroll, theoretical physicist and one of this world's most celebrated writers on science, rewrites the history of 20th-century physics.
by Sean M. Carroll
Ever wanted to know how music affects your brain, what quantum mechanics really is, or how black holes work?
by Sean M. Carroll
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The most trusted explainer of the most mind-boggling concepts pulls back the veil of mystery that has too long cloaked the most valuable building blocks of modern science.
by Sean M. Carroll
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Sean Carroll will talk about the nature of time, the origin of entropy, and how what happened before the Big Bang may be responsible for the arrow of time we observe today.
by Sean M. Carroll
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In recent years, scientists have discovered that 95% of the contents of the cosmos are invisible to our current methods of direct detection. Yet something is holding galaxies and galaxy clusters together, and something else is causing space to fly apart.
by Sean M. Carroll
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Time rules our lives, woven into the very fabric of the universe. Nothing so pervades our existence and yet is so difficult to explain....
by Sean M. Carroll
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It's said that the clock is always ticking, but there's a chance that it isn't. The theory of "presentism" states that the current moment is the only thing that's real, while "eternalism" is the belief that all existence in time is equally real.
by Sean M. Carroll
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When no one is looking, a particle has near limitless potential: it can be nearly anywhere. But measure it, and the particle snaps to one position.
by Sean M. Carroll
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The discovery of the Higgs boson is a triumph of modern physics.
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