
Scott D. Anthony Audio Books

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1 - 4 of 4 Titles
by Scott D. Anthony
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Leaders have experimented with open innovation programs, corporate accelerators, venture capital arms, skunkworks, and innovation contests.

by Scott D. Anthony
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That first mile - where an innovation moves from an idea on paper to the market - is often plagued by failure. In fact less than 1 percent of ideas launched by big companies end up having real impact. The ideas aren't the problem. It's the process.

by Scott D. Anthony
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Innovation may be the hottest discipline around today - in business circles and beyond. And for good reason. Innovation transforms companies and markets. It's the key to solving vexing social problems....

by Scott D. Anthony
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Seeing What's Next is a framework for predicting industry winners and losers....

1 - 4 of 4 Titles