Sarah Orne Jewett
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by Sarah Orne Jewett
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Despite having published in the Atlantic Monthly before, and being close friends with both the editor and his wife, Sarah Orne Jewett's "A White Heron" was not considered suitable for the magazine.
by Sarah Orne Jewett
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In Deephaven, go with her on vacation to an unforgettable seaside village where time runs slower and small pleasures are intensified.
by Sarah Orne Jewett
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In this important American author’s first novel, Nan struggles to choose between marriage and a career as a professional doctor.
by Sarah Orne Jewett
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A Country Doctor is a fiction novel by American author Sarah Orne Jewett. The book, which was first published in 1884, was based on the relationship between Jewett and her physician father.
by Sarah Orne Jewett
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The Country of the Pointed Firs (1896) is considered Jewett's finest work, described by Henry James as her "beautiful little quantum of achievement."
by Sarah Orne Jewett
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Sarah Orne Jewett's stories have been hailed as "nearly perfect" and "A White Heron" itself was...
by Sarah Orne Jewett
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As contemporary today as it was over a century ago, this relatively unsentimental tale of labor relations still packs a punch.
by Sarah Orne Jewett
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This unique collection features some of the best short stories every written....
by Sarah Orne Jewett
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Eight of Jewett’s best, including "The Only Rose," "Miss Tempy's Watchers," "The Flight of Betsy Lane," and "Martha's Lady."
by Sarah Orne Jewett
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Jewett’s masterpiece depicts the close personal and family relation-ships in a Maine seaport town during the era of its decay from the grandeur of West Indian trading days.
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