
Robert Wolgemuth Audio Books

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1 - 6 of 6 Titles
by Robert Wolgemuth
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You are being hunted. Like a seasoned angler, our enemy opens his tackle box and selects the lure most likely to attract his intended prey - usually the one you and I are least likely to consider harmful.

by Robert Wolgemuth
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Many people did not grow up in a Christian home, and many more do not consider their childhood experience a good model. Robert Wolgemuth presents this inspiring, practical audiobook for people who want to have a Christian home.

by Robert Wolgemuth
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In their first book together, best-selling authors Robert and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth share biblical and modern-day stories of God's providence at work, including their own story of finding love and marrying - the first time for Nancy at age 57 and the second time for Robert, a widower.

by Robert Wolgemuth
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One of the most respected and successful athletes ever to grace a major-league pitcher's mound, Orel Hershiser had an approach to the game...

by Robert Wolgemuth
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Facing your ultimate death can be scary, but in light of God's promises, it doesn't have to be.

by Robert Wolgemuth
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A husband's God-given responsibility to his wife is to be her shepherd: to love her, serve her, comfort her, protect her, provide for her, sacrifice for her, and lead her.

1 - 6 of 6 Titles