Robert W. Kellemen
Audio Books
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by Robert W. Kellemen
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Everyone talks about the personal ministry of the Word, but how do we make one-another ministry truly biblical? Gospel-Centered Counseling equips you to change lives with Christ's changeless truth.
by Robert W. Kellemen
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Today we face a tremendous weakening of confidence in the Bible. This is just as true for the pastor offering counsel in his office as it is for the person in the pew talking with a struggling friend at Starbucks or the small group leader who is unsure of what to say to a hurting group member.
by Robert W. Kellemen
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How does a person learn to counsel others with the truth of God's Word? Bob Kellemen believes that the best way to learn counseling is by doing it-by giving and receiving biblical counseling in the context of real, raw Christian community.
by Robert W. Kellemen
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As people face addictions, deal with loss and grief, and seek help in restoring broken relationships, where can they turn for counsel and assistance?
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