Robert Baer
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by Robert Baer
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When Bob and Dayna met on a mission in Sarajevo, it wasn't love at first sight. But there was something there, a spark....
by Robert Baer
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Come hear from the amazing real-life Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Former CIA operative Robert Baer and his CIA "shooter" wife, Dayna, recount their days living as a CIA couple.
by Robert Baer
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One of the CIA's top field officers of the past quarter century recounts his career running agents in the back alleys of the Middle East. Robert Baer paints a chilling picture of how terrorism works...
by Robert Baer
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In his powerful new audio book, Robert Baer, author of See No Evil, turns his attention to Saudi Arabia, revealing how our government's...
by Robert Baer
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The never-before-told story of the thrilling hunt for a KGB spy in the top ranks of the CIA, from New York Times best-selling author and former CIA officer Robert Baer.
by Robert Baer
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What is the definition of assassination? Robert B. Baer's boss at the CIA once told him, "It's a bullet with a man's name on it."
by Robert Baer
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Victor Davis Hanson, the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, and Robert Baer who spent 20 years at the CIA as a field officer covering the Middle East, discuss Iran and the nuclear threat on Uncommon Knowledge with Hoover research fellow Peter Robinson.
by Robert Baer
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Host Harry Kreisler welcomes former CIA operative Robert Baer discussing his book, Iran--The Devil We Know, including: the craft of spying, U.S. policy in the Middle East, the emergence of Iran as a regional hegemon, and Iran's strategy and tactics as we witness the rise of its power.
by Robert Baer
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Former CIA operative Robert Baer examines the dangers behind America's collaboration with Saudi Arabia....
by Robert Baer
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Over the past thirty years, while the United States has turned either a blind or dismissive eye, Iran has emerged as a nation every bit as capable of altering America’s destiny as traditional superpowers Russia and China. Indeed, one of this book’s central arguments is that, in some ways, Iran’s grip on America’s future is even tighter.
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