Richard A. Clarke
Audio Books
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by Richard A. Clarke
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The real war on terror has happened largely behind closed doors, run by the White House, drawing on secret intelligence and operations around the world. There is no man who knows more about it than Richard Clarke, the former Counterterrorism Czar for both George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
by Richard A. Clarke
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Richard A. Clarke warned America once before about the havoc terrorism would wreak on our national security-and he was right. Now he warns us of another threat, silent but equally dangerous.
by Richard A. Clarke
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An urgent new warning from two best-selling security experts - and a gripping inside look at how governments, firms, and ordinary citizens can confront and contain the tyrants, hackers, and criminals bent on turning the digital realm into a war zone.
by Richard A. Clarke
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Richard Clarke's statement to the 9-11 families that "Your government failed you - and I failed you" was the most dramatic moment in the 9-11 Commission hearings. His number-one best seller, Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror, explained how the U.S. had stumbled into a struggle with violent Islamist extremists.
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