
Reginald A. Ray Audio Books

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by Reginald A. Ray
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What if you could learn the ultimate teachings of Tibetan Buddhism as they were meant to be received—guided every step of the way by an experienced master?

by Reginald A. Ray
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"Within my body are all the sacred places of the world," the Buddhist saint Saraha once said, "and the most profound pilgrimage that I can ever make is within my own body.

by Reginald A. Ray
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A somatic training program to open your heart to the world.

by Reginald A. Ray
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Nine Step-by-Step Sessions for "Waking Down" How can we discover this perfect, somatic knowing? It begins by removing the blockages that manifest mentally, emotionally, and physically.

by Reginald A. Ray
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Dharma Ocean presents compelling talks by Reggie Ray, a unique and dynamic teacher in the lineage of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

by Reginald A. Ray
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In Tibetan spiritual life, body-based meditation has been revered throughout its history as a vital tool for cultivating spiritual awareness and physical well-being. In this session, Reginald Ray instructs you in the seven points of meditation posture and explains how they amplify your practice.

by Reginald A. Ray
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Engaging the Body as Your Source of Infinite Knowing Most of us sense that our bodies contain uncommon intelligence - we "feel it in our bones" or notice it in our "gut instincts".

by Reginald A. Ray
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A somatic training program to open your heart to the world.

by Reginald A. Ray
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Most of us are well aware of the benefits of meditation, and new research is providing us with more and more evidence of what the world's spiritual traditions have known for years: meditation can positively impact every area of our lives.

by Reginald A. Ray
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Like a tightly closed bud that longs to open fully, we live on the verge of an unfathomable beauty that needs only our loving attention to unfold.

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