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by Ralph Raico
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By the turn of the twentieth century, the United States had evolved from a colony into an international power. As a result of the Spanish-American War, America acquired colonies in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. She also acquired a taste for international politics.
by Ralph Raico
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Communist Manifesto examines the theory and goals expounded by Karl Marx. Marx argues that history flows inevitably toward a social revolution, which will result in a society without economic classes.
by Ralph Raico
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President Woodrow Wilson called World War I “a war to make the world safe for democracy.” But the conflict did not result in democracy or safety.
by Ralph Raico
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Alexis de Tocqueville, a young French aristocrat, captured the essence of nineteenth-century America in his penetrating work, Democracy in America....
by Ralph Raico
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Ralph Raico, professor of European history at Buffalo State College and Schlarbaum laureate, presents a series of ten formal lectures on the history of Liberty: its origin, its development, its friends, and its enemies.
by Ralph Raico
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The lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea contain some of the oldest cultures on Earth. Italy and the other countries of Europe and North Africa have played a central role in various expanding empires, and also in shrinking fortunes.
by Ralph Raico
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Germany is historically one of the most important of all nations. Since emerging from its days as a Roman province, Germany (including Prussia) has had a central role in European affairs.
by Ralph Raico
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Recent events have made it clear that the Soviet Union is not a monolith; it’s a collection of nationalities, many with serious objection to union.
by Ralph Raico
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Central Europe's ancient civilizations have long been dominated by empires: The Roman Empire, the Habsburg Empire, based in Austria, and more recently, the Soviet Communists.
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