Philip Zelikow
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by Philip Zelikow
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Watch or listen to this debate from August 2015 with the motion "Containment Is Not Enough: ISIS Must Be Defeated". In the debate, foreign policy experts argue over what the Obama administration's next steps should be in dealing with ISIS.
by Philip Zelikow
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This is a survey of modern history from a global perspective. Part One begins with the political and economic revolutions of the late 1700s and tracks the transformation of the world during the 1800s.
by Philip Zelikow
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This is a survey of modern history from a global perspective. Part Two begins early in the twentieth century, as older ways of doing things and habits of thought give way.
by Philip Zelikow
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During a pivotal few months in the middle of the First World War all sides - Germany, Britain, and America - believed the war could be concluded. Peace at the end of 1916 would have saved millions of lives and changed the course of history utterly.
by Philip Zelikow
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On the 10th anniversary of 9/11, Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security reviews the lessons we learned and the measures we've taken to improve our national security.
by Philip Zelikow
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A deeply researched international history and "exemplary study" (New York Times Book Review) of how a divided world ended and our present world was fashioned, as the world drifts toward another great time of choosing.
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