Peter D. Kramer
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by Peter D. Kramer
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A decade ago, with his breakaway best seller, Listening to Prozac, Peter Kramer revolutionized the way we think about antidepressants and the culture in which they are so widely used....
by Peter D. Kramer
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What is Prozac? Since it was introduce in 1987, the antidepressant Prozac has been prescribed to nearly five million Americans....
by Peter D. Kramer
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Do antidepressants work, or are they glorified dummy pills? How can we tell? In Ordinarily Well, celebrated psychiatrist and author Peter D. Kramer examines the growing controversy about the popular medications.
by Peter D. Kramer
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In this discussion from the Library of Congress, Dr. Kramer draws from his book Ordinarily Well and makes a case for prescribing antidepressants when patients confront major depressive disorder.
by Peter D. Kramer
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Psychiatrist Peter D. Kramer wrote "Listening to Prozac," an examination of the larger issues behind drugs that reshape temperament. Prozac is the most widely prescribed antidepressant today, with some four and a half million users since its introduction in 1987.
by Peter D. Kramer
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Referred to as the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud is credited with championing the talking cure and charting the human unconscious.....
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