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14 Titles
by Perry Stone
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Acclaimed as Perry Stone's most significant prophetic book! Those who follow the prophetic teachings of Perry Stone acknowledge that he has received advance insight into and warnings of events that occurred years later.
by Perry Stone
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Is God trying to tell you something? Have you ever had a dream or vision that was so vivid it remained with you for days? It is possible that your dream had a spiritual connotation and your vision was a message from God.
by Perry Stone
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Perry Stone has identified what he calls "the Jewish DNA of success," showing how the Jewish people have unlocked the doors of creative ability, wealth, health, and family unity.
by Perry Stone
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From books, to movies, to TV shows, heaven, hell, and the afterlife are popular subjects today. Perry Stone brings his unique blend of Bible knowledge, prophecy, and spiritual insight to the topic in this comprehensive look at the afterlife.
by Perry Stone
One word from God can change your life! The Voice of Evangelism was founded for the purpose of bringing a fresh Word from God to the Body of Christ and winning souls for the Kingdom of God.
by Perry Stone
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Will your spiritual armor withstand the forces of the enemy? As believers we are assigned special God gear for protection - the spiritual armor that is described by Paul in Ephesians 6.
by Perry Stone
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What in the world is going on? There is an unsettling mood hanging like storm clouds over North America. Why is there so much upheaval on so many levels? Find out....
by Perry Stone
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In Opening the Gates of Heaven, Perry Stone shows you how to release the flow of heaven's blessing through both God's revelation....
by Perry Stone
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Is there a war going on in your home? Does a weeping willow describe your family tree? Do you wish you had been born to a different family....
by Perry Stone
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An expose on Satan's secret strategies. How would your life change if you could acquire advanced knowledge about demonic attacks against you or your family?
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