
Paul Krugman Audio & Video

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by Paul Krugman
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The Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, according to the same principles as for the Nobel Prizes that have been awarded since 1901.

by Paul Krugman
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In January 2009, Paul Krugman of the New York Times and David Brancaccio, host and senior editor of NOW on PBS, discuss Krugman's Nobel Prize, the Bernie Madoff scandal and a wide range of topics under the economic umbrella.

by Paul Krugman
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In this short discussion on Piketty's book, Bill Moyers talks with economist Paul Krugman about how wealth inequality has become entrenched across generations, leading to a potential crisis for middle and lower class workers.

by Paul Krugman
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Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has some generally dismal news in this talk, held in conjunction with Krugman's visit to Yale to receive the Henry E. Howland Memorial Prize, one of the highest honors that the University bestows.

by Paul Krugman
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America emerged from Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal with strong democratic values and broadly shared prosperity. But for the past thirty years American politics has been dominated by a conservative movement determined to undermine the New Deal’s achievements.

by Paul Krugman
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Paul Krugman talked about his new book, End This Depression Now!, and he responded to telephone calls and electronic communications.

by Paul Krugman
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Economist Paul Krugman asks how we got ourselves into another Great Depression in this streaming video lecture provided by MIT World. When the U.S. was rocked with economic crisis in 2008, Krugman explains that many experts were left confused.

by Paul Krugman
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With huge budget surpluses just ahead, the question of whether to cut taxes has shifted to when and by how much?...

by Paul Krugman
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Nobel laureate Paul Krugman believes that increased public spending - akin to the efforts of the New Deal during the Great Depression - is the best way to escape the financial crisis and regain American global leadership.

by Paul Krugman
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An accessible, compelling introduction to today's major policy issues from the New York Times columnist, best-selling author, and Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman.

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