Paul Farmer
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by Paul Farmer
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A panel discuss strategies to help eliminate the spread of disease and hunger in the developing world.
by Paul Farmer
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On January 12, 2010, a major earthquake struck near Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Hundreds of thousands of people died, and the greater part of the capital was demolished....
by Paul Farmer
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Dr. Paul Farmer, a world-renowned infectious disease specialist who has been called a public health Robin Hood, discusses global health equity and the future of public health.
by Paul Farmer
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Here, for the first time, is a collection of short speeches by the charismatic doctor and social activist Paul Farmer....
by Paul Farmer
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Harvard medical anthropologist and physician Paul Farmer tells his captivating story of treating the poorest populations in Haiti and elsewhere for infectious diseases and trying to raise healthcare standards around the world through his charitable organization, Partners in Health.
by Paul Farmer
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Online Video (Free)
Known as "the man who would cure the world," Paul Farmer works to provide first world health care for third world peoples and co-founded the worldwide organization Partners in Health.
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