Paul Cartledge
Audio Books
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by Paul Cartledge
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Paul Cartledge, one of the worlds foremost scholars of ancient Greece, illuminates the brief but iconic life of Alexander the Great, cutting through the myths to show why he was such a great leader.
by Paul Cartledge
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In 480 B.C., a huge Persian army, led by the inimitable King Xerxes, entered the mountain pass of Thermopylae to march on Greece, intending to conquer the land with little difficulty.
by Paul Cartledge
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The Spartans of ancient Greece were a powerful and unique people, radically different from any civilization before or since.
by Paul Cartledge
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Ancient Greece first coined the concept of democracy, yet almost every major ancient Greek thinker - from Plato and Aristotle onward - was ambivalent toward or even hostile to democracy in any form.
by Paul Cartledge
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The riveting, de?nitive account of the ancient Greek city of Thebes, by the acclaimed author of The Spartans.
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