Patrick Radden Keefe
Audio Books
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by Patrick Radden Keefe
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From the author of Empire of Pain-a stunning, intricate narrative about a notorious killing in Northern Ireland and its devastating repercussions.
by Patrick Radden Keefe
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In the 1980s, a wave of Chinese from Fujian province began arriving in America. Like other immigrant groups before them, they showed up with little money but with an intense work ethic and an unshakeable belief in the promise of the United States.
by Patrick Radden Keefe
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Unabridged Edition
In Chatter, Patrick Radden Keefe investigates the international eavesdropping alliance known as Echelon, sorting facts from conspiracy theories to determine....
by Patrick Radden Keefe
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A grand, devastating portrait of three generations of the Sackler family, famed for their philanthropy, whose fortune was built by Valium and whose reputation was destroyed by OxyContin. From the prize-winning and best-selling author of Say Nothing
by Patrick Radden Keefe
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Abridged Edition
In the late 1990s, when Keefe was a graduate student in England, he heard stories about an eavesdropping network led by the United States that spanned the planet....
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