
Patricia MacLachlan Audio Books

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1 - 6 of 6 Titles
by Patricia MacLachlan
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Audio Download | Audio CD

All year long, Lily and Liam look forward to Christmas on their grandparents' farm. It's always the perfect trip -- walking to the lilac library, trimming the tree, giving gifts.

by Patricia MacLachlan
Available on:
Audio Download | Audio CD

He has a life filled with art, music, and long summer nights on the Cape. He has hours and days and months of baseball. But, more than anything in this world, Jake knows he has Edward.

by Patricia MacLachlan
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Audio Download | Audio CD

Sarah, Plain and Tall, Skylark, and Caleb's Story, all unabridged and all performed beautifully by Academy Award-winning actress Glenn Close, make up this exquisite CD collection.

by Patricia MacLachlan
Available on:
Audio CD

The eagerly awaited sequel to "Sarah, Plain and Tall, ". Papa and Sarah are now married, but a drought intrudes on the family's new happiness.

by Patricia MacLachlan
Available on:
Audio Download | Audio CD

The story of "Sarah, Plain and Tall" continues in this tale of Cassie, a young girl growing up on the prairie. Something new is expected on the prairie, and Sarah says it will be the perfect gift--but Cassie isn't so sure.

by Patricia MacLachlan
Available on:
Audio Cassette

MacLachlan's classic is a story of a midwestern family whose lives are changed by the arrival of a mail-order wife/mother from the Northeast.

1 - 6 of 6 Titles