Norman Rosenthal
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by Norman Rosenthal
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The noted research psychiatrist and New York Times best-selling author explores how Transcendental Meditation permanently alters your daily consciousness, resulting in greater productivity, emotional resilience, and aptitude for success.
by Norman Rosenthal
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The most important work on Transcendental Meditation since the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Science of Being and Art of Living....
by Norman Rosenthal
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On performance art, Marina explained: "It's all about energy. And energy is something which is invisible. You can't hang it like a painting on a wall. You have to feel it."
by Norman Rosenthal
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As the psychologist that pioneered the study of seasonal affective disorder, Norman Rosenthal has devoted his career to helping his patients cope with depression.
by Norman Rosenthal
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The noted research psychiatrist explores how life's disappointments and difficulties provide us with the lessons we need to become better, bigger, and more resilient human beings....
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