Norman Podhoretz
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by Norman Podhoretz
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Audio Cassette
In this important chronicle of the intellectuals in America during the 1960s and the serious consequences they provoked, Podhoretz demonstrates his special gift for discerning the intellectual spirit of the times.
by Norman Podhoretz
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Online Video (Free)
Islam historian Bernard Lewis and Commentary editor Norman Podhoretz discuss the history and future of the Middle East.
by Norman Podhoretz
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Audio Download | Audio CD | Audio Cassette | MP3 CD
Writers’ blood has often been shed when they boldly expressed their opinions, opinions that sway political leaders to shed the blood of others.
by Norman Podhoretz
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Online Video (Free)
Mr. Podhoretz talked about his life and his writings and answered telephoned questions from viewers. He talked about politics, literary criticism and many other topics.
by Norman Podhoretz
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Online Video (Free)
UC Berkeley's Harry Kreisler in conversation with Norman Podhoretz, whose 35 years as an author, literary critic and editor of Commentary magazine has had a profound influence on the ideas that have shaped public debate in the United States.
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