Nick Offerman
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by Nick Offerman
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To millions of people, Nick Offerman is America. Both Nick and his character, Ron Swanson, are known for their humor and patriotism in equal measure.
by Nick Offerman
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After two New York Times best sellers, Nick Offerman returns with the subject for which he's known best - his incredible real-life woodshop.
by Nick Offerman
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A humorous and rousing set of literal and figurative sojourns as well as a mission statement about comprehending, protecting, and truly experiencing the outdoors, fueled by three journeys undertaken by actor, humorist, and New York Times best-selling author Nick Offerman
by Nick Offerman
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Parks and Recreation actor Nick Offerman shares his humorous fulminations on life, manliness, meat, and much more in his first book.
by Nick Offerman
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Nick Offerman visited Google LA to discuss his book "Paddle Your Own Canoe: One Man's Fundamentals for Delicious Living."
by Nick Offerman
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With his book "Good Clean Fun: Misadventures in Sawdust at Offerman Woodshop", Offerman shares stories and projects from the Offerman Woodshop family.
by Nick Offerman
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At last, the full story behind Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman's epic romance, including stories, portraits, and the occasional puzzle, all telling the smoldering tale that has fascinated Hollywood for over a decade.
by Nick Offerman
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Spend a rollicking evening with Nick Offerman's All Rise, an evening of deliberative talking, mirth, and song that compels listeners to chuckle while also causing them to contemplate a better side of humanity than the one to which they've grown accustomed.
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