Neil Sheehan
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by Neil Sheehan
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Host Harry Kreisler welcomes Pulitzer Prize winning author Neil Sheehan, who reflects on the Vietnam War through the prism of American soldier John Paul Vann. Series: Conversations with History.
by Neil Sheehan
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The WikiLeaks of its day (Time) is as relevant as ever to present-day American politics.
by Neil Sheehan
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Sheehan will explain the notion that weve gone from a Cold War with the former Soviet Union to what he terms a new Cold War with countries like North Korea and Iran.
by Neil Sheehan
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Sheehan's tragic biography of John Paul Vann is also a sweeping history of America's seduction, entrapment and disillusionment in Vietnam....
by Neil Sheehan
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From Neil Sheehan, author of the Pulitzer Prize - winning classic A Bright Shining Lie, comes this long-awaited, magnificent epic. Here is the never-before-told story of the nuclear arms race that changed history - and of the visionary American Air Force officer Bernard Schriever, who led the high-stakes effort.
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