
Michael Behe Audio Books

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by Michael Behe
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Naming Darwin's Black Box to the National Review's list of the 100 most important nonfiction works of the 20th century, George Gilder wrote that it "overthrows Darwin at the end of the 20th century in the same way that quantum theory overthrew Newton at the beginning".

by Michael Behe
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In a tour de force of science and logic, the bestselling author of Darwin's Black Box combines genetics, laboratory results, and mathematics to prove, once and for all, that the universe and life on earth are designed.

by Michael Behe
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The scientist who has been dubbed the "Father of Intelligent Design" and author of the groundbreaking book Darwin's Black Box contends that recent scientific discoveries further disprove Darwinism and strengthen the case for an intelligent creator.

1 - 3 of 3 Titles