
Melanie Shankle Audio Books

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1 - 7 of 7 Titles
by Melanie Shankle
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Is my ordinary, everyday life actually significant? Is it okay to be fulfilled by the simple acts of raising kids, working in an office, and cooking chicken for dinner? It's been said "life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the number of moments that take our breath away".

by Melanie Shankle
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Welcome to the story of a real marriage. Marriage is simultaneously the biggest blessing and the greatest challenge two people can ever take on.

by Melanie Shankle
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Big Mama blog founder and New York Times best-selling author Melanie Shankle helps us sort through our questions about being true to ourselves in a world gone crazy and what matters the most in the end.

by Melanie Shankle
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There is nothing as precious in life as a friend who knows you and loves you in spite of yourself.

by Melanie Shankle
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Sparkly Green Earrings is a heartwarming and hilarious look at motherhood from someone who is still trying to figure it all out....

by Melanie Shankle
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It's easy to feel disheartened when you're facing dreams that haven't come true, heartbreak that never seems to end, or financial strains that weigh you down. Maybe you're wondering if God can still use you with all your imperfections.

by Melanie Shankle
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In It's All About the Small Things - formerly titled Church of the Small Things - Melanie Shankle helps you embrace what it means to live a simple yet incredibly meaningful life and how to find all the beauty and laughter that lies right beneath the surface of every ordinary, incredible day.

1 - 7 of 7 Titles