Matthew McKay
Audio Books
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18 Titles
by Matthew McKay
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Just about every day brings some kind of stress into your life - and a new opportunity to treat yourself to the benefits of a calm mind...
by Matthew McKay
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Audio Download
Self-Esteem offers a powerful new tool that provides hope and healing....
by Matthew McKay
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A breakthrough guide to healing troubled relationships Why do couples break up? In The Commitment Dialogues, best-selling author Matthew McKay dissects a range of typical dialogues gone wrong in order to illustrate how fear sabotages relationships.
by Matthew McKay
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Audio CD | Audio Cassette
This audio program teaches Jacobson's Deep Muscle technique, shorthand relaxation of major muscle groups, deep breathing, natural breaths, brief pick-me-ups, and yogic alternative breathing. This audio program contains voice recordings only.
by Matthew McKay
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Audio CD | Audio Cassette
This audio program teaches you how to relax all your muscles except those you actually need for a given activity so that you can reduce your stress while driving, doing desk work, standing, or walking. This program consists of voice recordings only.
by Matthew McKay
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When you're too busy to relax, just take "Time Out From Stress" by listening to this audio. In just ten minutes, you can relax tight muscles, calm anxieties, and reduce pressures to a more tolerable level...
by Matthew McKay
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If you struggle with low self-esteem, or you're seeking positive and effective ways of building a healthy sense of self-worth, this much-anticipated fourth edition of the best-selling classic by Matthew McKay is your go-to guide.
by Matthew McKay
Available on:
Audio Download | Audio Cassette
Just about every day brings some kind of stress into your life - and a new opportunity to treat yourself to the benefits of a calm mind...
by Matthew McKay
Available on:
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Just about every day brings some kind of stress into your life - and a new opportunity to treat yourself to the benefits of a calm mind...
by Matthew McKay
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Audio Download | Audio CD
You are only a few months away from living a more relaxed and healthy lifestyle. This basic 12-week program describes step-by-step techniques for...
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18 Titles