Mary Beth Sammons
Audio Books
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by Mary Beth Sammons
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What would you do if you knew you could not fail? These words, attributed to First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, have inspired tens of millions to face their fears and dare to follow their hearts.
by Mary Beth Sammons
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Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons have developed a workbook filled with life-changing practices and encouraging advice....
by Mary Beth Sammons
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Living as if each day is a thank you can help transform fear into courage, anger into forgiveness, and isolation into belonging....
by Mary Beth Sammons
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If ever there was a time for courage, it's now. In The Courage Companion, the co-authors of the best-selling Living Life as a Thank You present stories of extraordinary fortitude....
by Mary Beth Sammons
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The Grateful Life is a guide to discovering and achieving one's dreams by harnessing the power of a positive attitude.
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