Mark Williams
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by Mark Williams
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If you’ve ever struggled with depression or know someone who has, take heart: mindfulness practice is a simple, powerful way to naturally break depression’s selfperpetuating cycle.
by Mark Williams
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From Oxford University comes this 3-hour series covering "The New Psychology of Depression". Dr. Danny Penman and Professor Mark Williams discuss the global health problem of depression and the current methods for treating it including medication and therapy.
by Mark Williams
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Everyday life is so frantic and full of troubles that we have largely forgotten how to live a joyful existence. We try so hard to be happy that we often end up missing the most important parts of our lives.
by Mark Williams
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Is mindfulness the answer to all our prayers? The benefits are compelling: it's free, you can do it anytime, anywhere, and it's been scientifically proven to work.
by Mark Williams
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In the past century, average life expectancies have nearly doubled, and today, for the first time in human history, many people have a realistic chance of living to 80 or beyond.
by Mark Williams
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Climate change is a major topic of concern today and will be so for the foreseeable future, as predicted changes in global temperatures, rainfall, and sea level continue to take place....
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