Marcia Wieder
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11 Titles
by Marcia Wieder
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Online Video (Free)
Have you put your needs, wants and desires on hold? Do you hear yourself say, “Maybe someday…when I retire or when the kids are grown or when I have extra time and money…then I’ll pursue my dreams or do what makes me happy?” Life is precious and tenuous and we never know what tomorrow holds.
by Marcia Wieder
Available on:
Online Audio (Free)
What if you could make powerful changes in your job that would make you wealthier, happier, healthier, and more fulfilled?
by Marcia Wieder
Available on:
Online Video (Free)
Would you like your life to be easier? Would you like more time for the things that matter to you most, like family, friends, travel, and your dreams? Are you ready to learn how to improve the quality of your life?
by Marcia Wieder
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Online Audio (Free)
What if you could make powerful changes in your job that would make you wealthier, happier, healthier and more fulfilled? And, what if you could actually create your perfect job description? Well, you can.
by Marcia Wieder
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Audio Download
Imagine living the life you've always dreamed about - the career, the relationship, and even simply that vacation you keep putting off. In Making Your Dreams Come True, Marcia Wieder teaches you a concrete formula to overcome whatever is standing between you and your dream...
by Marcia Wieder
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Online Video (Free)
Are you tired, bored or have you lost your motivation? Do you know what you want, how you want your life to be or what would make you really happy?
by Marcia Wieder
Available on:
Online Video (Free)
Do fear and doubt make you second guess or compromise on what you really want? Are you tired of being overly realistic and putting everyone else’s needs before your own? How would your life change if you truly believed in your dreams and had powerful tools to make them happen?
by Marcia Wieder
Available on:
Online Audio (Free)
Gain clarity about how you want to look, remove fear and doubt about achieving your desired weight, and take action today....
by Marcia Wieder
Available on:
Online Audio (Free)
This inspiring program WILL ignite your passion. Do you believe in yourself and act on your dreams? Are you reayd to re-ignite your passion? Is it time to change some aspect of your life?
by Marcia Wieder
Available on:
Audio Download
This wonderful audiobook, filled with memorable stories and life-changing insights, will help you to find your purpose and your passion in life....
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