Malcolm Muggeridge
Audio Books
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by Malcolm Muggeridge
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In addition to being one of the most important literary figures of the 20-century, Malcolm Muggeridge is...
by Malcolm Muggeridge
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The Infernal Grove opens with the author in Geneva preparing a survey and then back to India as assistant editor of the Calcutta Statesman.
by Malcolm Muggeridge
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Employing his genius for writing, Muggeridge has recorded and evoked the special atmosphere of the 1930s in Great Britain by fusing details with general observations.
by Malcolm Muggeridge
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Malcolm Muggeridge contends that Christendom is quite different from Christianity. In this book, Muggeridge explores the prevailing downfall of Christendom.
by Malcolm Muggeridge
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Through scores of intellectual, social, political, and religious endeavors, Muggeridge’s life touched the heart of twentieth-century history.
by Malcolm Muggeridge
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Malcolm Muggeridge paints a profound and moving portrait of a lady whose love for Christ and the needy has deeply impacted many a life, including the author’s.
by Malcolm Muggeridge
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Here is the perfect introduction for anyone not already familiar with this sage of Sussex.
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