Lucy Worsley
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by Lucy Worsley
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Lucy Worsley explores the different houses in which Jane Austen lived and stayed, to discover just how much they shaped Jane's life and novels.
by Lucy Worsley
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Why did Agatha Christie spend her career pretending that she was "just" an ordinary housewife, when clearly she wasn't? Her life is fascinating for its mysteries and its passions and, as Lucy Worsley says, "She was thrillingly, scintillatingly modern.
by Lucy Worsley
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Why did the flushing toilet take two centuries to catch on? Why did medieval people sleep sitting up....
by Lucy Worsley
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Kensington Palace is now most famous as the former home of Diana, Princess of Wales, but the palace's glory days came between 1714 and 1760, during the reigns of George I and II....
by Lucy Worsley
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Murder: a dark, shameful deed, the last resort of the desperate or a vile tool of the greedy - and a very strange, very English obsession.
by Lucy Worsley
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The story of the queen who defied convention and defined an era. Perhaps one of the best known of the English monarchs...
by Lucy Worsley
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Take a trip back to Jane Austen's world and the many places she lived as historian Lucy Worsley visits Austen's childhood home, her schools, her holiday accommodations, the houses - both grand and small - of the relations upon whom she was dependent, and the home she shared with her mother and sister towards the end of her life.
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