Louis Menand
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by Louis Menand
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Louis Menand, professor of English and American literature and language in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University and a member of the Harvard Graduate School of Education faculty, is the author of The Metaphysical Club (2001)…
by Louis Menand
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American Studies, the latest book from Pulitzer Prize-winning author and New Yorker staff writer Louis Menand, collects Menand's striking re-examinations of American cultural icons...
by Louis Menand
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In his follow-up to the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Metaphysical Club, Louis Menand offers a new intellectual and cultural history of the postwar years.
by Louis Menand
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Louis Menand masterfully weaves pivotal late 19th-and early 20th-century events, colorful biographical anecdotes, and abstract ideas into a narrative whole that both enthralls and enlightens.
by Louis Menand
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Menand's latest journey through American cultural history.
by Louis Menand
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The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1872, to talk about ideas.
by Louis Menand
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According to Harvard professor Louis Menand, at a time when competition to get into and succeed in college has never been more intense, universities are providing a less useful education. In The Marketplace of Ideas, he assesses what is important in a traditional university---and what is not.
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