
Lord Byron Audio Books

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by Lord Byron
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Designed with the novice in mind, The Intro to Poetry podcast is a carefully selected series that will expose the listener to a broad range of poetic eras and styles.

by Lord Byron
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Don Juan is a long narrative poem by Byron, based very loosely on the legend of the evil seducer, Don Juan.

by Lord Byron
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The Giaour is a poem by Lord Byron first published in 1813 and the first in the series of his Oriental romances…

by Lord Byron
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Evocative, emotional, imaginative, personal, and powerful, these poems revolutionized the art form and still move and inspire us today.

by Lord Byron
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Manfred is a dramatic poem in three acts by Lord Byron, and possibly a self confessional work. A noble, Manfred, is haunted by the memory of some unspeakable crime.

by Lord Byron
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Nearly 100 of the most popular and loved poems in the English language, this collection is one of the most comprehensive anthologies of its kind available.

by Lord Byron
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Childe Harold's Pilgrimage is a lengthy narrative poem in four parts written by Lord Byron. It was published between 1812 and 1818 and is dedicated to "Ianthe".

by Lord Byron
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In this moving poem, Byron recounts the final, desperate resistance of the Venetians on the day the Ottoman army stormed Acrocorinth…

by Lord Byron
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Byron's narrative poem The Island tells the famous story of the mutiny on board the Bounty, and follows the mutineers as they flee to a South Sea island.

by Lord Byron
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Lord Byron's satirical take on the legend of Don Juan is a moving and witty poem that sees the young hero in a reversal of roles.

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