Lisa Nichols
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by Lisa Nichols
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There's no diet, no push-ups, no treadmill. But Lisa Nichols has got a plan that will move you, flex your "bounce-back" muscles and empower you to realize your dreams no matter what.
by Lisa Nichols
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Now you can take lessons learned from The Secret to the next level with over five hours of practical information recorded at sold out seminars....
by Lisa Nichols
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New York Times best-selling author, personal transformation guru, and life coach for the Steve Harvey Show and Today Lisa Nichols shares her journey from scarcity to abundance, outlining steps everyone can take to create abundance in career, relationships, self, and finances - while creating a legacy for others to follow.
by Lisa Nichols
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Audio Download
Lisa Nichols is one of the foremost and exciting speakers of the teachers featured in The Secret....
by Lisa Nichols
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Online Video (Free)
Lisa Nichols is CEO of Motivating the Masses, one of the top training and development companies in the world, a best-selling author of 6 books and one of the most sought-after transformational speakers whose global platform has reached and served millions.
by Lisa Nichols
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Online Video (Free)
New York Times bestselling author, Personal Transformation guru, and life coach for "The Steve Harvey Show" and "Today", Lisa Nichols shares her journey from scarcity to abundance, outlining steps everyone can take to create abundance in career, relationships, self, and finances-while creating a legacy for others to follow.
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