
Laurie Notaro Audio Books

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1 - 6 of 6 Titles
by Laurie Notaro
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Introducing Laurie Notaro. Every day she fearlessly rises from bed to defeat the evil machinations of dolts, dimwits, and creepy boyfriends - and that's before she even puts on a bra....

by Laurie Notaro
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Everyone's favorite Idiot Girl, Laurie Notaro, is just trying to find the right fit, whether it's in the adorable blouse that looks charming on the mannequin but leaves her in a literal bind...

by Laurie Notaro
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Laurie contemplates family, home improvement, and the horrible tyrannies of cosmetic saleswomen. She finds that life doesn't necessarily get any easier as you get older. But it does get funnier....

by Laurie Notaro
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A laugh-out-loud spin on the realities, perks, opportunities, and inevitable courses of midlife.

by Laurie Notaro
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Laurie Notaro is married, mortgaged, and now employed in the corporate world, discovering that bosses come in all shapes, sizes, and degrees of mental stability....

by Laurie Notaro
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She thought she'd have more time. Laurie Notaro figured she had at least a few good years yet....

1 - 6 of 6 Titles