Lauren Kessler
Audio Books
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by Lauren Kessler
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Pancho Barnes was a force of nature, a woman who lived a big, messy, colorful, unconventional life.
by Lauren Kessler
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Ninety-five percent of the millions of American men and women who go to prison eventually get out. What happens to them?
by Lauren Kessler
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In this age of lunchtime lifts, wrinkle-erasing injections, furrow fillers, and lip plumpers, there's no question that anyone who aims to look younger easily can.
by Lauren Kessler
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When Lauren Kessler was 12, her ballet instructor crushed not just her dreams of being a ballerina but also her youthful self-assurance.
by Lauren Kessler
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In Dancing with Rose, Lauren Kessler recounts her time at a West Coast Alzheimer's facility....
by Lauren Kessler
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A Grip of Time (prison slang for a very long sentence behind bars) takes listeners into a world most know little about - a maximum-security prison - and into the minds and hearts of the men who live there.
by Lauren Kessler
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Japanese immigrant Masuo Yasui arrived in America in 1903 with nothing but big dreams. He went on to become a successful orchardist and raise a large family. But World War II would change their lives forever.
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