Joseph Goldstein
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by Joseph Goldstein
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I have two main aims in teachings. The first is to spread the dharma as widely as possible, offering it to as many different people as I can. The second is to teach a smaller number of people over sustained periods of time.
by Joseph Goldstein
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American Buddhists are coming of age and eager for advanced teachings aimed at serious practitioners.
by Joseph Goldstein
Joseph Goldstein has been a leading light for the practice of Insight and Loving Kindness meditation since his days in India and Burma where he studied with eminent masters of the tradition.
by Joseph Goldstein
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Audio CD | Audio Cassette
When you seek to live a spiritual life, what matters most is not what you know, but the actions you take. How do you best embody the spiritual principles that uplift you and those whose lives you touch?
by Joseph Goldstein
The number of Buddhist meditation centers in North America has doubled in little more than a decade, confirming the ever-widening appeal of this ancient approach to inner peace and self-understanding.
by Joseph Goldstein
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American Buddhists are coming of age and eager for advanced teachings aimed at serious practitioners.
by Joseph Goldstein
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Audio Cassette
The Buddhist practice of insight meditation is a journey of understanding our bodies, our minds, and our lives - of seeing the true nature of experience clearly.
by Joseph Goldstein
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Find your voice, speak your truth, listen deeply - a guide to more meaningful and mindful conversations.
by Joseph Goldstein
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Online Video (Free)
Joseph Goldstein is a cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, where he is one of the resident guiding teachers.
by Joseph Goldstein
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Audio Download
This modern spiritual classic, presented as a 30-day meditation retreat taught by Joseph Goldstein, offers timeless practical instructions and real-world advice for practicing meditation - whether walking or sitting in formal practice or engaging in everyday life.
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