Jonathan Leeman
Audio Books
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by Jonathan Leeman
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What's the big deal about baptism? Jesus commands his disciples to be baptized, and it's a glorious picture of a person's union with Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. Still, many Christians feel unclear about the topic, having more questions than answers.
by Jonathan Leeman
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Why should you join a church? Becoming a member of a church is an important, and often neglected, part of the Christian life. Yet the trend these days is one of shunning the practice of organized religion and showing a distaste or fear of commitment, especially of institutions.
by Jonathan Leeman
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How can the church move forward in unity amid such political strife and cultural contention?
by Jonathan Leeman
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Does the phrase church discipline sound like an oxymoron? The church's message is about grace, we reason, while discipline feels like the opposite of grace.
by Jonathan Leeman
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Since a global pandemic abruptly closed places of worship, many Christians have skipped church life, even neglecting virtual services.
by Jonathan Leeman
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Should we actually practice church discipline today? Is it unloving? Once an ordinary part of church life, churches gradually stopped practicing church discipline in the 20th century.
by Jonathan Leeman
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Church discipline is essential to building a healthy church. So how exactly do we practice church discipline?
by Jonathan Leeman
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Election seasons can cause division on a variety of issues. But what happens when you disagree with someone in your local church community?
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