
John Julius Norwich Audio & Video

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by John Julius Norwich
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John Julius Norwich - called a "true master of narrative history" by Simon Sebag Montefiore - returns with the book he has spent his distinguished career wanting to write, A History of France, a portrait of the past two centuries of the country he loves best.

by John Julius Norwich
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Sicily, said Goethe, is the key to everything. It is the largest island in the Mediterranean, the stepping-stone between Europe and Africa, the link between the Latin West and the Greek East.

by John Julius Norwich
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John Julius Norwich has crafted a big, bold tapestry of the early 16th century, when Europe and the Middle East were overshadowed by a quartet of legendary rulers, all born within a 10-year period: Francis I of France, the personification of the Renaissance, who became a highly influential patron of the arts and education.

by John Julius Norwich
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This lively and dramatic book brings roaring to life the grand sweep of 5,000 years of history in the cradle of civilization.

by John Julius Norwich
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With the papacy embattled in recent years, it is essential to have the perspective of one of the world's most accomplished historians....

by John Julius Norwich
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Pope Pius XII (1939-58) has been described as "the most dangerous cleric in modern history". He was silent -- his critics argue -- and did nothing during the Holocaust to help the Jews.

by John Julius Norwich
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William Shakespeare may have been the greatest playwright in the English language, but how does he measure up as a historian?

1 - 7 of 7 Titles