John Colapinto
Audio Books
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by John Colapinto
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In 1967, after a baby boy suffered a botched circumcision, his family agreed to a radical treatment.
by John Colapinto
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In modern-day America, Dez is a former lawyer and teacher - an ephebophile with a proclivity for teenage girls hiding out in a trailer park with his latest conquest, Chloe.
by John Colapinto
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A fascinating guide to a career in neurosurgery written by award-winning journalist John Colapinto and based on the real-life experiences of an expert in the field - essential listening for someone considering a path to this most challenging profession.
by John Colapinto
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A New York Times best-selling writer explores what our unique sonic signature reveals about our species, our culture, and each one of us. Finally, a vital topic that has never had its own book gets its due.
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